We are happy to announce, that the Ostfriesischer Kurier (daily newspaper in the North of Germany) wrote a nice article about the composer CHRISTOPH RUGE and his musik.
FEM Black Edition – New shirts for the New Year
2014 was chosen to be the “Year of honesty” – Did you know that?
And honestly, we have amazing new shirts in our Collection: The “FEM Black Edition” features prints on the front and the backside: Just the Butterfly as a sneak preview on the front, leaving the full monty for the backside! Honest coolness, don’t you think?
Check them out here!
Special Offer
Currently both albums are available at CD Baby for only USD 4.99 digital download.
So you can get both for not eaven USD 9.99!
In Between – Album Teaser
New album IN BETWEEN released!
Today we are pleased and proud to announce the new album IN BETWEEN officially released!
After a five year mission CHRISTOPH RUGE is coming back on the musical stage. More energetic, broader in variety, precisely melodic and seriously dreamy.
Always remember: What’s really important in life is what happens IN BETWEEN!
Shirts for archers
Inspired by the idea that the music of CHRISTOPH RUGE can help archers achieving better results, we started a special edition of sport shirts. They are especially designed for the needs of archers and therefore different for left-hand archers and for right-hand archers.
Music for archers
Winning archers believe that the music of CHRISTOPH RUGE is perfect for training and tournaments of archery! It is understood that the softness of the music and calming atmosphere helps concentrating which in turn leads to better shooting results!
We officially reply to this: “It sounds to us as it is worth the shot!”
FAN SHOP now online
You need some new T-Shirts or Mugs? The official FINEST ELECTRONIC MUSIC Fan Shop is now online! Have a look!
CHRISTOPH RUGE now on Facebook!
CHRISTOPH RUGE is now on Facebook as well. If you like the music this would be be easiest way to stay updated. Especially since the new album is coming sooner and sooner!